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Raising Mothers of Teens

Jan 13, 2020

Reflecting on the holiday break had me saying a whole bunch of hallelujahs!  I am currently sitting in so much gratitude for my every day evolving into becoming more and more conscious.  Can’t wait to share with you some of our stories over this past holiday break!

[ 1:38 ] Becoming conscious is such a gift and it’s available to anybody.  You just have to be willing to go inward instead of looking outward accepting what needs to change and be willing to put in the work to really heal and grow.

[ 2:45 ] When we are mindful and fully present in the moment with our children, it allows us to open our eyes to consciousness.  To truly see the moment we are in for what it is.  To really look at our child and if they are having hard time to be able to deconstruct what they are going through.

[ 4:00 ] When you are conscious you become awakened to what is going on and what needs to be worked on.

[ 7:26 ] When you are conscious you know that your kids reactions is a reaction to something far deep inside their soul, something they are going through.

[ 7:50 ] A lot of the times you are triggered it all comes from a place of fear.

[ 9:18 ] Being conscious allows you to be present in the moment with your child and deconstruct their feelings.

[ 16:26 ] “The reason it is so important for us to change, ground become conscious is so that our eyes can be opened and we become aware of what our kids actions mean.  Exposing what they need and are calling out for help to heal.”  Dr. Shefali

[ 17:10 ] “Whatever you are not changing you are choosing.”  Unkown